Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Donald R. Lancaster Showcase

"Advocate Men, October 1986.
 Here are a few things:  a "Showcase" feature on artist Donald Ray Lancaster, who in my unlearned opinion was a very traditional but very outstanding able to accurately and sensitively reproduce "real life."  He'd be an outstanding portrait artist, IMHO.  And perhaps he was in "real life."  The drawings in this feature seem to me to be based upon living subjects.    My only documentation for this belief is the separately attached photo of one of my major hard-throbs, Tex Murdoch.  Compare that to the drawing of Tex in this feature.  Tex was perfection and Donald was a perfectionist.  Can't get more perfect than that.  Tex in his prime, and he's no longer with us; and Donald at the top of his art, and I hope he's still around.

1 comment:

  1. I hope he is still around as well. Totally hot art work. A pure perfectionist.

    Mega hairy muscle hugs of thanks for sharing.
