Friday, November 13, 2009

Don Bachardy - Ian Whitcomb

Some odds and ends from In Touch For Men...

This piece from Issue #84 - October, 1983.

The text of the blurb is as follows:


Al­though he is perhaps best known in the gay community as Christopher Isherwood's lover, the art world knows Don Bachardy as an ex­tremely successful portrait artist. Following a recent series of pre­stigious gallery exhibitions, Bachardy has put together a beau­tiful new book of celebrity portraits. Again, publisher Jack Woody has produced a lavish art book with the gay market firmly in mind. Don Bachardy: One Hundred Draw­ings is a veritable who's who of gay culture, featuring major gay figures (Tennessee Williams, Truman Ca­pote, W. H. Auden, Elton John, Gore Vidal, Divine, Armistead Maupin, etc.) as well as modern legends with zillions of gay fans (Bette Davis, Warren Beatty, Marlene Dietrich, Lotte Lenya, etc.). Shown here: Ian Whitcomb, the distinguished musicologist and performer whose career has also included the scandalous Sixties rock hit "You Really Turn Me On," a Hollywood novel, and even an IN TOUCH contribution (his British boys-school memoirs in #41).

Available by mail from Twelvetrees Press (P.O. Box 188, Pasadena, CA 91102; $20.00 paper, plus $2.00 p&h).”

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